UTLA - United Teachers Los Angeles
Negotiations for Reopening
UTLA put out a negotiating platform that has stirred up controversy and misinformation. Whether they could have avoided this is an ongoing debate but is not important now because what's done is done and this is to clarify the positions of the Union.Remember, the document is for negotiation purposes and you always ask for more than you know you'll get. Link below to the document.Page 1 & 2 are Primarily about what we want/need to reopen classrooms.(Hybrid)Page 3 is connected to Crisis Distance LearningPage 4 is all about the 'social common good' goals.Essentialls to re-open (State & County Health supported goals) Rate must go down to 5% for 14 days. Masks mandatory for all (State says 3- 5 mandatory but tk-2 is strongly recommended, not sure why). Staggered schedules for small classes. Hand sanitizers. Free testing and tracing capabilities in place. Those HAVE to be met.Page 4 is what caused/causing the uproar. It should/could have been clarified that those are ongoing issues we as a Union are pursuing and feel they are related to the impact of not going back, but NOT part of the negotiation. So, to clarify, from our Union Leadership, the following statement (bold theirs, italics mine):"Crisis distance learning and the safety conditions for an eventual return are part of the negotiations with LAUSD.
The necessary public good demands are part of the larger struggle that we are engaged in alongside community allies and other unions. Our leadership as an organization of 34,000 educators is critical in this moment, just as it was in our strike when we were able to raise up important common good issues that went beyond the bargaining table."Step 1) Right now, they are negotiating what rules and requirements we will have for Distance Learning. Know that the State has already laid down some basic requirements: attendance, accountability for students and teachers, grades, specific instructional minutes per day. There is a task force of Teachers, UTLA reps, Admin, and District honchos discussing and arguing about a myriad of other issues. When I know something, I will tell you but until then anything you hear is a rumor.Step 2) Once we are open and up and running, they will go back and negotiate the specifics for a return to a hybrid model.Stay safe. Stay sane. Wear the mask.Peace, Mr. Wright / Chapter Chair